Monday, October 17, 2011

An In-Depth Analysis of Communism at Patrick Henry College

Socialism. Communism.
Words with incredibly negative connotations. What ungodly events we associate with these words. What a terrible belief, a way of living. Certainly we would never find ourselves cleaving to the nasty parameters of Communism.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you. The intensely analytical study of Patrick Henry College as a communist organization.

“Communism is a distinct socio-political philosophy that is willing to use violent means to attain its goal of a classless society. If capitalism is defined as a social system based on individual rights (and individual wealth), then communism is its direct opposite. Communism believes in equality through force. In its system, individual rights are ground to powder and used to build its idol of absolute government control.”

Absolute government control? Sound familiar? That’s right folks, we’re living under it. Communist principles are found all over PHC. Though most of us religiously claim to hold to the principles of freedom and small government, the cold hard truth is that the administration of PHC doesn’t practice what it preaches. For four years of our lives, we live under a large, intrusive government that regulates everything from what brand of shoes we wear to the religion that we practice.

Communism in Education: Are we being brainwashed at PHC?
Communist education:
Now let’s pick apart those two words. Communist. Education. We’ve already given you a definition for that. Anti-class, controlling equality, massive government. Now we have education. You could go on forever trying to figure out with a specific definition of education. Plenty of people have put forth their two sense of how young people should be educated. Whether it be by a village, a government, a parent, a professor—all day, or only a few hours, for free or for money, covered by taxes or donors—education is something that most everyone comes in contact to at one time or another.

But we don’t want to talk about all different kinds of education. We want to talk about Patrick Henry College. The statement of PHC claims “For Christ and for Liberty.” But do we really have liberty here? Are we not all taught the same thing in hopes of crafting us in to particular types of people? We are enforced with a dress code, so that all look the same. Nothing unusual, or designed to attract attention is allowed. That’s not even getting down to the education though. We are taught ‘critical thinking.’ But what is TRULY being taught is the SAME exact thing to each person: be what we want, say what we want, do what we want, influence the government how we want, go into business how we want, write what we want, walk like we want, live your life how we want. They encourage students to ‘lead our nation and shape our culture.’ They are conditioning us, and we are willing.

Now, I’m sure not a single student enrolled at PHC thinking that they were submitting themselves to a communist organization. And I’m even MORE sure that the administration would not admit to being communistic. The facts are laid out.

Communism in Religion: Why mandatory chapel is counterproductive.
Should a government be allowed to regulate the religion of its citizens? Most conservatives tremble at the thought. Unless, of course, it’s PHC (that’s totally okay). Homeschool parents can regularly be heard complaining about the secular colleges or public schools forcing agendas, but PHC does this unashamedly and provokes no such criticism. When it comes down to it, there is no difference between the two.

The problem with forced religion is that it is not real religion. Well, I mean, if you believe that religion consists of external behaviors, of course it can be forced. But if you believe that it is an internal matter, of the heart, there is absolutely nothing that an authority can do to force it. PHC doesn’t claim that chapel attendance will guarantee salvation, but it is “mandatory” for all students. Why? That’s a good question. The truth is; making chapel attendance mandatory actually does more harm than good.

If chapel attendance were optional, I would probably be there 80-90% of the time. Simply because I honestly value the opportunity to worship with others. And I would be there specifically for that purpose: worshipping, not checking facebook. But when something becomes, forced, mandatory, it immediately changes the entire substance of that activity. When we choose to participate in an activity, we have a personal investment in that activity. We’ve chosen to spend our time there, for the purpose of actually doing that activity. However, when an activity is forced, students are robbed of the opportunity to invest themselves in it. Without a personal investment, students lose nothing by checking facebook, texting, or being otherwise distracted.

PHC, if you truly want electronic distractions during chapel to stop, make chapel optional. Give us the option of being there because we want to be there. Let us invest our time and ourselves in our religion, instead of trying to force it onto us.

Communism in Everyday Life: Christians: blending in, or making statements?
Be not conformed to this world. Most of us Christian kids were told growing up that we were supposed to stand up and be different from the culture and our peers. To stand up for what we believe, and not be afraid of being different. Going against the grain is more than okay, our Sunday school teachers told us, it’s what we should be doing. And yet, at PHC, students are regularly forced into a mold. Cookie cutter Christians, we call them: people who are each exactly alike. From the way we think, the way we look, and the occupations that we are expected to pursue, PHC crams its students into its idea of what we should be.

One of the best demonstrations of PHC’s attempts at creating cookie-cutter followers is in the way they require them to look. There is much to be said about the benefits of a business casual dress code that encourages students to prepare for the way they will one day have to dress in their profession. However, when describing the code of how students are to wear/style their hair, the specific wording used in the Student Life Manual says students must avoid “unusual styles designed to attract attention.” The clear and blatant command to NOT be different, NOT have personal style, NOT do anything that takes away from the conformist image that PHC wishes all of its students to have. While PHC claims to promote ‘critical thinking’ and the ability to make a difference in the world today, what they REALLY promote is followers that cannot be told apart amongst themselves.

A quick word about free speech: I’m not huge on most of PHC’s rules, but I can generally live under them in peaceful disagreement. There’s really only one that I can think of that I have a huge issue with. In the “Biblical Standards” section of the Student Handbook, rule number 9 states: “Students will not advocate non-Biblical sexual practices, such as extra-marital sex, homosexuality or homosexual ‘marriage.’” The reasons to support or oppose gay marriage could fill an entire blog, but the point here is that apparently the administration of PHC is allowed to dictate what we’re allowed to believe and say. If PHC was truly training leaders, who could think critically for themselves, we would be allowed to consider all options. Unfortunately, PHC doesn’t have that kind of faith in its students, feeding them only properly approved information.

Is PHC training leaders? Or is it training robots?


  1. Amen! This is one of my major 'concerns' with an conservative Christian school, and the main reason my parents are MORE than ok with me going to a secular college.

  2. Oh if I could only play this fast and loose with definitions in my tests and essays. I'd have 4.0!

  3. ...Then why exactly are y'all here?

  4. 2 major differences between Communism & PHC:

    1. Real Communism killed 94 million people.

    2. You chose to come (and continue to choose to remain) at PHC.

  5. Interesting post.

    I'll assume communist is used sarcastically, it's not accurate or even applicable. PHC students may be stereotypically similar (in a limited sense), but the college doesn't create "cookie cutter" students. Ofc the college is limited in majors (so many are planning to pursue similar goals/professions).

    Your comments on chapel are similar to what I thought before I came here. Worship is the act of me glorifying God. For some, mandatory chapel won't change anything about their philosophy of worship. (Props to them btw) If chapel was not technically required, I'd be there almost all the time regardless, but everyone would be there because they're actually worshipping. On the flip side, spiritual education is a public goal of PHC and chapel brings all the students together.

    Note the previous weren't policy suggestions inherently, just musings. We all came here knowing what PHC stands for, it's no surprise.

    Regarding "speech", it depends on your interpretation. The rule states we cannot personally advocate certain unbiblical things (extra-marital sex, homosexuality, etc). However, it is up to interpretation whether it states we must hold those positions on a "policy level." There can be a difference between MORALLY believing gay marriage is fine and POLITICALLY saying that the government should not restrict it. The sentence right after your quote ends is telling:

    "Supporting a candidate for public office who advocates such practices does not in itself constitute the advocacy of such practices."

    I'll say this as a concern. Statements like "Unfortunately, PHC doesn’t have that kind of faith in its students, feeding them only properly approved information" aren't accurate at all. PHC doesn't dictate what we believe and say; we all signed an consensual agreement to abide by community standards often inspired by Biblical principles. Even on rules that don't simply copy Christian principles, PHC doesn't create robots; there's no Ministry of Truth.

    For example, many believe responsible alcohol use is completely ok (myself included.) We have a rule against drinking on campus. Does that mean PHC is dictating that alcohol is evil? No.

    I really enjoy your guys' writings, but don't take it too far.

  6. There are a lot of independent issues in this latest blog post that could be addressed, however I feel the need to approach the final segment regarding Rule 9 of the Student Handbook.

    One of the requirements before coming to Patrick Henry was that you read and agree to the Student Handbook and the Student Life Manual. If you believe in extra-marital sex, homosexuality, or homosexual marriage, then you obviously don't agree with the requirements of attending Patrick Henry College. One of the key components to Communism, is that you don't get to make a decision. When people in a communist country are suffering under communism, they don't have the choice to freely leave that communist regime. However, you voluntarily chose to come here to Patrick Henry College, and chose to subject yourself to the terms and agreements of attending. You also have the freedom, ability, and choice to leave. People in communists countries don't. If you don't agree with the rules here, then you have the choice to leave.

    In regards to "considering all options", what exactly do you mean by this? Can you please specify the options available, and what specifically they are? Broad sweeping terms such as this are a greenhouse for miscommunication and misunderstanding.

    My opinion is that traditionally, if you are going to discuss something, it is because you have experience with the subject (unless it is a hypothetical discussion). While there are times for hypotheticals, there are also times for people to have experience in the subject matter. Therefore, if PHC were to "consider all options" (whatever that means), then wouldn't that require Christians to participate in extra-marital sex, homosexuality, and/or homosexual marriage? This is in direct conflict with God's commands, and would therefore be asking a Christian to directly defy God's laws. Obviously not what God intended, and I hope not what you intend.

  7. Speaking a "cynical alumnus," which I can be sometimes, this article is an insult to my position. Your definitions are quite off, as is your understanding of conservatism. If you want to go for the problems, go for the fact that the worldview statements pretty much claim that the Bible demands democracy or something.

    In short, this blog is dumb and you should feel dumb.

  8. If y'all aren't willing to put your name behind your comments, then don't post at all. That's just cowardly.

  9. /you can always transfer now that we have accreditation.

  10. Yeah, what Taylor said!!

  11. Had a longer post that wouldn't submit. So here is my short and sweet version. This is intellectually sloppy. It is fully of incorrect definitions, faulty reasoning, and misguided conclusions. It is a perfect example of freshmen not having enough experience at PHC to know whereof they speak. And though I will post under anonymous because it is easier, my name is Evan Mantel.

  12. @Grumpy: Let's not name-call; that isn't Christ-honoring and doesn't help your case. If you don't like the blog, you don't have to read it. :)

  13. Girls, I understand that you may not agree that every aspect of this school’s mission or student handbook - very few of us actually agree with every item or believe it's somehow a Biblical mandate. But if you feel the need to publish your criticisms of the school and be taken seriously, you should be careful to use grace and discretion in doing so. Otherwise, for those of us who have been here, invested in this school, and love the community dearly, you appear like guests in a grand house who ridicule and complain against the host whose own hospitality they thanklessly enjoy.

  14. I applaud immensely what Taylor said, even as I disagree immensely with this entire article. There is no excuse for the cowardice of gossiping and criticizing others without being willing to confront them personally (with your name).

  15. This wasn't intensely analytical. It wasn't really very analytical at all.

    The professors DO try to teach critical thinking. The problem is that most students consider critical thinking to be synonymous with Mean Spirited and Not Christlike, etc. If there is a spirit of intellectual conformity on campus, it is the fault of the student body.

    When you speak of Religion, are you aware that many people in fact believe that external behaviors dictate internal ones? This is why many believe in a Sacramental, liturgical Christianity. I'm not sure that your post sufficiently addressed the difference between a mandatory chapel attendance and a belief in the means of grace being material.

    PHC is a private institution; it is their prerogative to decide basic community standards to which everyone may agree so that the college community is free to maintain harmony and order.

    "Unusual styles designed to attract attention" is really referring more to green mohawks than Anything That is Not a Ponytail.

    Your analogy is completely irrelevant. What does Communism actually have to do with anything you've said here? Were you forced to attend this college?

    Your writing is ... Let's just say you should be sure to get a peer tutor. They still have those at PHC, right?

  16. My goodness, the 'anon' and 'mr grumpy' are having a field day with this! Keep up the good work girls, and don't be afraid to speak your mind.

  17. In spite of the completely glaring lack of anything remotely bordering "in-depth analysis" or intelligence in this post, it has resulted in some very amusing comments. Guess I'll be sure to send my next alumnus donation to bolstering the peer tutoring program as apparently this freshman class is in dire need of it.

    God help Spinney when he has to grade your papers...

  18. PHC, as an institution, has a sad habit of treating grown adult students as if they are young children. Posts like these do not help correct that habit. If there is an intellectual stagnation at PHC, it is from the notion that we cannot condemn sloppy thinking because it would be uncharitable.

    P.S., I am a "cynical" alumnus who opposed PHC's chapel requirement and practice.

  19. This would be a funny joke if the only reason for this blog post was to get people riled up and commenting.

  20. Pray God that that is the case.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Dear RJS, I am one of the commenters here and I am a woman. Perhaps it is sexist to assume that if there is an intellectual comment here that it must be from a man.

  23. I assumed that the very few unchristian and mocking comments came from men, because I haven't found that women behave like barbarians. I didn't say anything about the intellectual comments either way.

  24. RJs, I don't know what your gender is, and I won't assume anything either way, but if you really believe that women behave better than men in general, then you are either a very sexist woman, or you are a man who has laughably little experience with real women in the real world. (Your comment made me laugh almost until I cried.) You don't get out much, do you?

  25. Dear RJS.

    Your accusations of "sexist" behavior is called a logical fallacy. Please, if you're going to argue, don't do it by weilding that overused pile of rubbish. Oh, and lest I be accused of "cowardice," this is Cody Holt.

  26. @RJS LOL!!! "bitter, cynical, ungodly alumni of this institution" You have yet to see those alumni that you speak of. This has been incredibly charitable. You should see some facebook posts. I'm sure Cody Holt can attest to those less than charitable posts for me. But if you think that it is bitter, cynical, and ungodly to take someone to task for incorrect statements and worse intellectually laziness, then you are sorely mistaken, and I can only hope that the good professors of PHC will disabuse you of your misguided notions. This calling people ungodly for strongly disagreeing with someone is exactly the lack of critical thinking that is becoming sadly pervasive amongst the student body. EVAN MANTEL, Male, Class '11 (any other credentials that people want? social security number?)

  27. While I find your post poorly written and lacking in any good substance, what I find most offensive and immature is your comparison of PHC to a Communist regime. Aside from the fact that the comparison cannot even be drawn perhaps you should, instead of writing blog posts like this, take some time and learn about what Communism *really* is. For instance, take 5 minutes and read this article from the Washington Post detailing actual violations of freedom, particularly Chinese Christians.
    Or if you really wanted, take a look at this book which recounts numerous examples of Christians being persecuted for their faith.
    Also, one of the premiere experts in the world on China and Christianity under the Communist Chinese Regime teaches at PHC - you should take a class with him, I am sure it will be extremely academically rigorous, but clearly would benefit you immensely.

  28. You complain that you have to go to chapel, that you have to dress within the dress code or that you have to follow the rules you freely and voluntarily promised to follow. These are inconveniences! And a little advice from someone on the other side of college and out in the workforce; get used to the dress code and having to go/do what you are told. Chances are you'll have both at your job someday.

    Lest some of you cry foul and suggest I am merely attacking these young ladies I will point out that I think you raise some valid concerns. In fact, your complaint about mandatory chapel attendance, you will find many alumni very sympathetic to you views - however, maturity requires that you address them in an adult manner. Claiming that rules you agreed to follow are somehow communistic and oppressive will just make you laughed off as immature.

    Lastly @ RJS, thanks for your comment, I am sure you were completely not serious and completely jesting. It too made me laugh.

    -Frank Barber (Former Student, male, also claiming authorship of the above comment)

  29. Ah Sorry, forgot to mention his name. The premiere expert that I mentioned is Dr. David Aikman

    (this is Frank again)

  30. the fact that the alumni have the time and desire, as the cultural leaders they were trained to be here at PHC, to hate upon two freshmen's blog is telling and either reflects poorly on said graduates or gives credibility to said freshman ladies. Either way, you guys need to watch more South Park and the Daily Show clearly...

  31. I'm going to post this once to clarify a few things. First of all, I agree with the people who criticized the intellectual content of this post. It was intellectually sloppy and was not written in such a way as to actually persuade people. I would not have written something like this.

    However, the comments calling them "dumb" or "immature" serve no intellectual purpose and when a gentleman verbally attacks a lady in such a fashion, such action is barbaric. Dr. Chodakiewicz would agree with me about the treatment of women. My posts were written seriously, Frank, although I've used stronger language than I normally would.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Bart Gingerich here. From what I've seen, this article and the ensuing thread have not been super healthy. I don't know a lot of the details and I do think the terminology and logical fallacies being thrown about aren't helping. Also, wagging fingers at people who bring up legitimate disagreements will also not help.

    Perhaps it would be best if you all broke bread/have coffee/whatever-in-the-flesh-conversation over this. You're at a school with 350 students; spats like this will make daily life miserable.

    ...assuming that this entire blog isn't a hoax, which it doesn't seem to be.

  34. Dear angry commenters, those graduated and those not...

    Regardless of your intellect, experience, and class status, and even if your criticism _may be right_, your fierce debate on one tiny blog amidst billions of others will not prove your point or enlargen your penis size. (ANTI-SEXISM EDIT: obviously not for the women, despite Freud...)

    Find your significance elsewhere. Take heed of
    Mr. Gingrich's point. Develop testicles. (ANTI-SEXISM EDIT: Or not, if, y'know)

  35. Dear above Anonymous,

    You seem to be very offended that anyone would take the time (all 45 seconds required) to write a brief comment on a student's blog. If, in your mess of would-be edgy phallic remarks, this is your root point, then that is fair enough. Blog comments aren't a good medium for discussion. That this medium is often given to puerility and indulgent droning, you have proven well enough. But to object that anyone would waste their time discussing a topic like this is, at root, the exact attitude of inbred stagnation mentioned by several individuals so far.

    In short, you strike me as a boy who is flirting with naughty words in an attempt to sound cool. No one is impressed.

  36. You're completely leaving out the part about dialectical materialism.

    Also, communism and authoritarianism are not the same thing. Communism actually has no government. Socialism, the intermediate step, is the temporary authoritarian step.

    Also communism enforces no religion, therefore no mandatory chapel. You might be called into a Mao worship session, but that depends on the country you're from.


    While the paternalism that this school exhibits can be quite irritating, it is a small downside to the experience. In freshman orientation they pretty much tell you that this is not the real world that we live in. One can debate about whether this degree of control is a good or necessary thing for people who come here, but it is moot at this point. In the spirit of classical education, this school has decided that they are taking some responsibility for our development and reputation. This means that they exercise a greater degree of control over us. We are here and we signed up for it. This might make us suckers, but we're the space cadets here. (a PHC senior)

  37. "Communism is a distinct socio-political philosophy that is willing to use violent means to attain its goal of a classless society."

    We don't have a "classless society" at PHC. We have lots of classes.

  38. Oh. ^This^ is Preston. Didn't mean to be a "coward." roflol.


  39. Hey Gabby (and Christina, who I don't know :)!
    I thought this post was super interesting! I love that you are analyzing your college education. That is something that more students should have the gumption to do!
    Anyways, I think I am having a college experience that is the exact opposite of yours. In the second week of my Philosophy class I was required to read in-depth and graphic descriptions of how to have gay/lesbian/transgendered sex (ya, still not sure how that tied into philosophy).
    My point is that while overly conservative rules are annoying and sometimes unnecessary, they are relatively harmless. On the other hand, I am pretty sure that I will never get the images from my philosophy text out of my mind.
    Keep up the good work girls and good luck in your studies! :)

  40. It is interesting to note that we all signed a statement agreeing to mandatory chapel, and we all signed a statement agreeing to compliance with dress code. There have actually been a number of discussions surrounding chapel policy and dress code policy over the past several years, with some radical changes that are in fact more lax than previous policy.

    The administration is willing to listen to the students, providing they communicate in a way that is reflective of the fact that they are now adults and conduct themselves with a level of professionalism and respect. I don't think that the opinions expressed here further any position on these issues or are good for healthy discussion of any sort. In fact, it has the tendency to be extremely schismatic. And to preempt the "it's just the internet, don't worry" argument, the fact of the matter is that communicating with your peers in any medium has an effect on the way members of the community interacts with each other. And to be honest, whether your points or legitimate or not, this post is destructive. Katie's right, a lot of us love this school, have cultivated relationships with faculty members and other students and are not appreciative of newcomers approaching the situation caustically, dogmatically and with very little knowledge of the situation. If you have some thoughts on how you think PHC can improve for the better, please learn more about how this college works and plead your case appropriately and gracefully in the proper channels. We'd be happy to have you. If you simply want to bash it, we're not quite sure why you attended here in the first place and would ask you to please leave.

  41. All I want to do is correct the bad grammar, incomplete sentences and spelling errors. College students are to study, and whether you appreciate having rules any longer (after leaving Mommy and Daddy behind), they are still good for you. If they have asked you to change your hair, as they have done with many male student's beards, simply comply and realize you can change it back over the summer when you are not here. I would concern myself with appearances, because they are the most important 8 seconds of when someone meets you. I also agree with Nick. Nuf said.

  42. Good lord I think Nick Barden and I agree on something! You rock Nick!
    -Cody Holt. Junior. Age 20. From California. Red Hill 114. Not a sexist. Happy?

  43. What I'm really curious about is how guys in their mid-twenties, presumably with a job/grad school and a life outside of PHC managed to even find this! I'm still a student, love less-than-serious blogs, and have a nose for finding blonde things to connect with, and I still had NO idea this existed until someone told me about it.

    Really guys (Shane, Bart, Grumpy, other alum) how do you do it?? I need your facebook/internet trolling skillz!!

    Also, I'm posting this anonymously because I'm far too lazy to bother signing in as anyone to satisfy an assumption that anonymous posting is a symptom of cowardice, not simply ambivalence.

  44. I major comment war and I missed almost the whole thing. Dang it! I love divisive internet debates.
    Anyway, Nick's comment has a lot of wisdom in it.

  45. Why don't you guys stop complaining and do something...TRANSFER :P

  46. Ladies (and commenters),
    Each of us alumni, former students, and returning students, in our small way, helped make PHC what it is today. I'm sorry we didn't perfect it in time for your arrival. Even so, PHC is a gift that was handed down to us, which we have handed on to you. Good gifts, however imperfect, ought to be accepted with some level of gratitude. Some folks made major sacrifices to make this place what it is, and many more will follow. It is the same with our nation, Western Civilization, and the Church of Jesus Christ (Christ's sacrifice provides salvation, while the Gospel is spread in part through the sacrifice of the saints). Only the grateful sacrifice themselves to preserve the gift and pass it on. The ungrateful cannot be bothered to contribute.

    My fellow alumni who have already commented have been disparaged by other commenters (most of whom I must regard as freshman or outsiders on the basis of their tone towards the school and alumni) as bitter, cynical, etc. In point of fact, they are all good people who deserve your respect (there are a few alumni who may not, but these posters are not among them). Shane is one of PHC's more intellectual grads, and a loving husband and father. Bart is another of PHC's finest thinkers, and the most jovial fellow one could ever hope to know. Evan is a skilled athlete, one of the best J-majors ever, and has a great sense of humor. [My encapsulations of these gentlemen are highly inadequate, and I apologize to them for that.] To those who casually write off all PHC alumni as bitter, if you are a PHC freshman, you almost certainly do not know what you're talking about. I was a freshman when many of PHC's "bitter and cynical" alumni still walked the PHC campus. That was 5 years ago. From the class of 2009 on, "cynical" and "bitter" rarely apply to any of us, and they don't apply to too many people from before that class, either. Besides, though we alumni often throw those terms around ourselves, "disappointed" and "disillusioned" are better terms for most of those folks whose overall feeling towards the school is more negative than positive. And who are you to judge them for their feelings towards the school, when you have little or no idea what events caused them? Until you know us, you shouldn't just write us off. All of us, even the most disappointed among us, invested in the school, student clubs, sports teams, friendships, etc. What have you done to serve the PHC community, to preserve and pass on the gift you have received? Yes, I know you are paying for your education, but if you only received what you pay for, you would be missing out on a huge chunk of the benefits of attending PHC. I believe that most alumni feel strongly that their time at this school played an important role in their development as men and women, and prepared them well for the lives that they now lead, even if they had/have major disagreements with the school.

    How did we alumni find this blog post? I saw the link on Facebook. I'm guessing that for most of the others, this blog post found them, too, not vice versa (though I could be wrong), and they, like me, found it hard to pass by without saying something by way of reproof. If I would not let you disparage my real mother and her other children (who are, like PHC, good but imperfect), how can you expect me to be silent when you disparage my "alma mater" and her many "children"? (cont'd below)

  47. Again, PHC is a gift you are welcome to receive or refuse. I write this without any personal animosity towards you. I hope you are able to realize that the "wrongs" and "injustices" you have identified are really rather trivial side issues in the grand scheme of things, and, while I'm not asking you to ignore things you feel aren't right, I hope that you won't let side issues dominate your PHC experience. PHC's imperfections won't ruin your PHC experience for you unless you allow them to steal your joy and control your happiness. As Christians, we know that we are free in Christ no matter what earthly constraints are placed upon us. If your focus each day is "how can I be a blessing to those around me?" then your time here will be well spent and you will know great joy. If in the midst of doing that you have opportunities to help with rule changes, great! If not, it's not the end of the world. PHC's rules do not have eternal significance, and they will not damage your soul. How you spend your life does have eternal significance, and PHC's staff and professors and alumni want you to be equipped to spend it well.


    - Jonathan R. Horton, Class of 2010 (I live right behind campus at Ballenger farm and I work on-campus along with many other alumni. We're all over the place, get to know us! So many of the local alumni love investing in the lives of students. We will mentor you, coach you, feed you, drive you places, loan you books and movies, etc.)

  48. I think that alumni get the reputation of being cynical, etc. because they comment on clearly satirical/lighthearted things with all seriousness, gravity, and dare I say preachiness. Not that any of those are wrong per se, but the effect is as if you're coming in on the middle of a conversation and don't qulte seem to understand what's going on.

    Either that or you all love raining on other peoples' parades. I'm a charitable person, so I'm sure it's the former. =)

    Lighten up! Take a joke or be satirical back. There is a time and place for everything, and a blog called "my hair is dress code" is clearly not the time OR place for paragraphs long comments extolling the virtues of the PHC alumni.

  49. I'm hoping to high heaven that you're being sarcastic. I have no problem with students criticising the intelectual institution of their choice, for "He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue." however, the word rebuke denotes constructive criticism.

  50. for the rest of you commentors, read the side bar to the right. see it? its near the top...

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